White Rock Lake Bath House – demonstration garden

Dallas County Master Gardeners support demonstration gardens at the White Rock Lake Bath House. There are five beds: the oval garden facing the entrance to the Bath House Cultural Center was planted in 2008, the small circle garden facing the lake in 2018, the two newest lake-facing beds in 2021 following an upgrade to the building, and a very small garden at the historical marker at Winfrey Point. All five beds contain water-conserving and Earth-Kind® native and adapted plants that provide food and shelter to bees, birds, butterflies, and other small animals all year round. These plants also show visitors what to grow in their own landscapes to add color, diversity, and habitat. The gardens are very popular with nature photographers and are often used for celebrations like engagements, weddings, graduations, etc.

As the seasons and years have passed, the Bath House gardens have been updated to include more native plants. The surrounding Blackland Prairie and the many varieties of trees include the keystone plants needed to support all the native insects and animals required for a healthy ecology. The gardens have been designated as a Wildlife Habitat and a Monarch Waystation, and they are On The MAP! as a Home Grown National Park site.

In June 2023, the Bath House gardens hosted the Level 2 class on Landscape Design with Native Plants offered by the Native Plant Society of Texas as part of its Native Landscape Certification Program. Master Gardeners also are thrilled that the gardens will be featured as part of the 2024 Dallas County Master Gardener Garden Tour.

Since low-maintenance plants are used, most of the work at the gardens consists of spot watering as needed, weeding, deadheading, and keeping the abundance of blooms from escaping their intended spaces. Master Gardeners strive to label every plant so volunteers and the public that visits can recognize and learn all about the beautiful and productive plants. Work sessions are scheduled for the convenience of our volunteers, including evenings in the summer.