A Thyme to Grow Herbs

“How could such sweet and wholesome hours be reckoned, but in herbs and flowers?” –Andrew Marvell


Dallas County Master Gardeners love to share their knowledge with others, as they did this morning at the Thyme to Grow Herbs class at Raincatcher’s Garden. MGs Cynthia Jones, Nicole Jones, and Yuliana Rivas-Garcia, who completed Advanced Training in Herbs last fall, taught a full house of eager students about the basics of herbs as well as how to propagate them via stem cuttings and division. Special thanks to our support team of amazing MGs- Beverly Allen, Don Heaberlin, Lisa LaClede, Jennifer Lassiter, Trish Johnston, Stacy Geisler, Abbe Bolich, Gail Cook, Mark Jones, Cecilia Manouel, Sharon Wright, and Jodi Shays, who worked seamlessly to provide guidance during the hands-on activities.


At the end of class Stacy and Abbe led tours of the Color Wheel and the Mediterranean Garden. Attendees gave high praise for the class and for the stunning gardens. A great time was had by all, and everyone went home with some helpful growing tips, a comprehensive handout, a grow bag, and FREE plants! What could be better?