Urban Composting Basics

Many may be wondering what compost is, and why it is important? Some may think it is a disgusting or dirty idea. Yet the process of composting is one of the most important ways to both reduce food and yard waste in your home and feed your plants with a nutrient rich soil product that will help your urban landscape survive and flourish over time.

Let’s get started with the WHY of composting. There are three important dimensions of the why:


Composting is important for our soil.

  • Compost rebuilds urban soil by improving soil structure, drainage, aeration, and moisture-holding capacity.
  • Compost provides nutrients that modify and stabilize soil pH and promote plant growth.
  • Compost is NOT fertilizer. Compost has a full spectrum of macro/micro-nutrients while fertilizer is meant to replace specific nutrients that are missing in the soil.


Composting is important for our environment.

  • Approximately 30% of what goes into landfills is compostable kitchen and yard waste.
  • Composting reduces strain on landfill and methane gas production.
  • The average U.S. household generates 650 pounds of compostable materials each year.
  • Food is the single largest item in the US waste stream.


Cost Savings

  • You can apply compost to any growing thing in your urban space (e.g.: grass, trees, shrubs, flowers, and vegetable/herb gardens).
  • If you are regularly applying compost to such spaces, you shouldn’t have to pay for expensive fertilizers.
  • You are saving on the cost of soil additives, water, time, and services by composting.

Three bin compost pile

Compost is essentially organic materials that have decomposed to create a stable soil product that feeds plants. Sounds simple, right? Well, in case it doesn’t or feels overwhelming, let’s break it down into the idea of a recipe. Think about a recipe with four main ingredients. Those ingredients are carbon (brown items), nitrogen (green items, including food scraps), water, and air.

Once you have all these ingredients, there are different ways that you can mix them to create compost in your home space. One of the more important things to remember is that you need to ideally have a 40:1 ratio of carbon (browns) to nitrogen (greens). In essence, don’t underestimate how much brown materials you need for a constantly cooking compost recipe.

Now, let’s get started with the WHAT of composting, and HOW compost is made.



Carbon is “Brown stuff” such as leaves, pine needles, dried plants, hay, wood chips, and shredded paper


Nitrogen is “Green stuff” such as food scraps, grass clippings, fresh living plants, manure, and coffee grounds .


Water is the third ingredient. As you layer carbon and nitrogen producing materials, water after each layer. You should keep the compost moist, like a sponge, but not like a wet towel (optimum is 45-60% moisture). Water is required by microbes for life processes and to start the decomposition process.


Air is the fourth ingredient. Turning your compost inserts air into the mixture and speeds up the decomposition rate. The smaller the materials, the faster the decomposition (more surface area). Maintaining a well oxygenated compost pile will reduce foul odors.

Here are some basic methodologies for composting at home:

In conclusion, composting is hugely important for our environment, our DFW soil, and the plants that grow in it. If it is your first time, don’t be intimidated, don’t strive for perfection, but just get started. You will learn as you go and adjust your techniques as needed. There are a ton of free educational resources out there.

Resource: Texas A&M AgriLife and US Composting Council