Meet Our New Master Gardener Volunteer Coordinator

Please join us in welcoming Khristal Oduwole, Dallas County’s new Master Gardener Volunteer Coordinator. In her role, Khristal works with and organizes volunteers and manages projects through the Dallas County Master Gardener program. Master Gardener volunteers are educated on research-based horticultural information to share within their communities.

A native of Atlanta, Georgia, Khristal holds a Bachelor of Science in Health Education and Promotion from Arizona State University (ASU). She is a Certified Health Education Specialist – Health is Wealth!  and a Certified Project Management Professional. She has a strong background in community service and a deep passion for aiding disadvantaged populations.


Khristal is committed to lifelong learning and sharing knowledge to foster continuous growth. During her time at ASU, she became passionate about working with undeserved communities, educating them on healthy food consumption and promoting self-sufficiency in food production. Currently, Khristal is pursuing a Master’s degree in Project Management to better understand, plan and coordinate diverse health promotion projects. She believes the key to community rapport is meeting people where they are and engaging with their environment.

Excited about her role in the Master Gardener program, Khristal looks forward to contributing to AgriLife Extension. Outside of work, you can find her chasing after her son or immersed in a school assignment. She shares one of her favorite quotes and guiding principles:

“Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day; but teach a man to fish, and he will eat for a lifetime.”