At-Home Botanist

Looking for a way to earn volunteer and/or education hours in the comfort of your cozy living room? Join the At-Home Botanist (AHB) program, a truly unique way to continue your learning journey, share your knowledge with others, earn volunteer hours, and even help support DCMG projects throughout Dallas County.

While the talented AHB team has created over 600 research-based, comprehensive plant profiles, more volunteers are needed. Let’s rally around this exciting opportunity to revolutionize the way garden visitors learn about plants by accessing PlantTAGG® on their mobile devices!

The application process to join the AHB team is designed to give you a taste of the program, including researching an assigned plant and writing content.  Below is a link to the plant profile form, which includes instructions at the top:

Plant Profiling Link:

Feel free to be creative in your plant description – think like a person interested in learning about a plant they have never seen before.  Be thorough in your research.  A good profile takes around an hour, sometimes more, so don’t start if you will be rushed. However you can save your work and come back to it if you need to.

To review additional information, including sample profiles, before completing the application, please email Andrew Levi, founder of PlantTAGG®, at

If you would like to participate in the AHB team monthly Zoom meetings, please join us the fourth Tuesday of every month at 2:00 pm by clicking on the following link: