The DCMGA Spring Japanese Maple Sale
Some of you know that Dallas County Master Gardeners have been holding Japanese maple tree sales annually as a fundraiser. We sell out of trees almost as soon as they are posted for sale so you may want to put the March 6 online opening date on your calendar now. We will have 120 trees available in one-gallon and two-gallon nursery pots. These are small trees that will do well in a container until you find a place for them in your garden and in fact, many of them would be perfectly happy in a container for several years.

There are Japanese maples that reach 15-20 feet in height, but most have a mature height of 5-12 feet, and they are typically quite slow growing, adding only an inch or two a year in some cases. Every garden has room for one of these beauties, and the good news is that they prefer afternoon shade, so they are a wonderful understory plant. Of those we will have listed for sale, a few taller varieties, that will grow to 10 feet or taller, are Beni Kawa, Bloodgood, Fireglow, Hubbs red willow, Ogon sarasa, Osakazuki, Sango Kaku, and the lovely Japanese maple seedling. If you have visited the Japanese Garden in Ft Worth, the massive canopy of Japanese maples is almost completely made up of the seedlings. They are as tough as nails, easy for the novice, and fast-growing. There are others that can be expected to stay shorter, including Hanami nishiki, Inaba shidare, and Saiho.
One of the shortest trees being offered this time, Tama hime, is a particular favorite of mine and holds a place of status in my garden. It grows very well in a container, and will reach a maximum height of around two feet, but the width can easily reach four feet. Trees that are wider than they are tall are a striking architectural element in the garden, whether in a container or in the ground, and Tama Hime fits the criteria perfectly. I have kept this tree in a container for fifteen years, transferring it to larger pots three times.
For gardeners who are not totally familiar with Japanese maples, they do not all have red leaves. There are at least a thousand varieties, and many of them have green leaves throughout the summer; however, almost every Japanese maple has beautiful spring and fall colors of red, gold, burgundy, or even purple, and the color show is a delight to see. Shin Deshojo is being offered at the sale and it has remarkable color in both spring and fall, with leaves painted in pinks, reds and golds on a trunk that stays emerald green.
Trees with lacy leaves that are being offered through this sale are Inaba Shidare, Seiryu and Tamukeyama. Seiryu is the only upright Japanese maple cultivar that has lacy green leaves. Most of the trees with lacy leaves, like Inaba shidare and Tamukeyama, are weeping instead of upright, and have leaves that are red, orange or burgundy, but the lacy bright green leaves on Seiryu are absolutely stunning. In contrast to lacy leaves, the Palmatifolium has very large and interesting almost palm-sized leaves that are quite eye catching. It is a green-leaf tree that has glorious golden to orange fall color.

If planting your new tree in the garden, read the label for sun tolerance, but most will need afternoon shade and many will even succeed in full shade. Japanese maples adapt to most soil types, but adding a little shredded pine bark mulch will assist in good drainage. Water regularly so the soil is moist but never soggy. They do not like soggy roots. When transplanting from one pot to another, only go up one pot size and use a well-draining soil. Again, amending the soil with shredded pine bark is helpful.
The Japanese Maple sale will be held via SignUpGenius ( opening at 8 a.m. on March 6, and remaining until all trees are sold, or 5 p.m. March 13, whichever comes first. There, you can choose and pay for your trees. Pick up will be Saturday, March 23rd from 10 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. at Raincatcher’s Garden (Midway Hills Christian Church, 11001 Midway Rd, Dallas, TX 75229).

Japanese Maple Cultivars for Sale
Beni kawa – A newer Coral Bark Japanese maple, vase-shaped to 12 feet. Leaves are small and green with orange in spring. Bark is bright red in cold sunny weather. Long-lasting yellow with red to orange fall colors. Beautiful in all four seasons.
Bloodgood – A very popular older variety of the upright red Japanese maple maturing at 18 feet tall and wide. Holds its red color until late summer, then turns a brilliant crimson red in the fall. Can take 1 or 2 hours of hot sun. Likes consistent moisture and good drainage. Very hardy and dependable.
Fireglow – This outstanding cultivar is an upright spreading red leaf Japanese maple that holds its red color in the heat. Slow growing to 10 to 12 feet with an equal spread and a graceful habit. Brilliant scarlet in the fall. Protectfrom more than 2 hours of hot afternoon sun and also does well in shade. Likes consistent summer moisture and good drainage.
Hanami nishiki – A very special dwarf tree with upright habit and tiny leaves that emerge light green in the spring and turn to beautiful golden yellow in the fall. Densly twiggy and shrub-like, growing to about 4 feet tall and wide in ten years. Great container plant. Needs protection from afternoon sun.
Hubbs Red Willow – A new improved red strap-leaf Japanese maple, growing only to 10 to 12 feet. Very easy to grow in shade or 2 hours of sun. If a few leaves occasionally revert back to regular palmate shape they should be removed. Retains good purple-red color all summer and beautiful fall red leaves.
Inaba shidare – Similar to Crimson Queen (but can take the sun better), with a more weeping habit. Has delicate, lacy leaves purple red leaves in spring and brilliant scarlet in the fall. Colors more brilliant in bright light or 1-2 hours of sun Grows to 6 feet tall by 9 feet wide after twenty years. Likes consistent summer moisture and well-draining soil.
Katsura hime – A lovely dwarf tree with vivid yellow orange leaves emerging in the spring. The leaves turn a pretty light green for the summer and then in the fall the tree is covered in bright yellows, reds and oranges. Ten year height will be 6-8 feet. Prefers consistent moisture and well-drained soil.
Ogon sarassa – A fascinating Japanese maple with great changing colors, maturing at 15 feet tall and 12 wide. Brilliant spring tones of pinkish-red, with a brown-red summer leaf. Attractive green bark and yellow green sees. Brilliant yellows, oranges, and reds early in the fall. Needs protection from afternoon sun.
Osakasuki – Amazing green-leaf tree with green bark; known for its long-lasting and brilliant orangish-red fall color. The abundant seeds are bright red. A favorite plant in Japan and at Metro Maples. Easy to grow to 14 feet tall by 14 feet wide.
Palmatifolium – A beautiful tree-like shrub Japanese maple maturing at 12 feet tall and 9 feet wide, with excellent fall colors. The bright green leaves have 9-12 lobes in a rounded shape that are deeply incised. Fall colors are a magnificent combination of oranges, golds and scarlets.
Acer oliverianum ‘Mystic Jewel’ is a robust tree with unique colors, leafing out in the spring with bright orange, then turning a gray-green in the summer. The fall color is a delightful purple-red. This is a rare and hard-to-find tree that may reach a height of 10 feet in ten years. Morning sun and afternoon shade with fast draining but consistently moist soil is the preferred growing method.
Saiho – A vigorous dwarf Japanese maple that will grow to 5 feet tall and 4 feet wide at maturity. Very small leaves emerge a bright green with a purple border in spring. Green summer color turns a bright red in autumn. Saiho is a dense, compact tree, making for great Bonsai.
Sango Kaku – The Coral Bark Maple is a very popular four-season plant. Brilliant coral red bark in winter (needs the cold and the sun for the brightest red bark color), with attractive long-lasting bright fall color of yellow, red and apricot. Easy to grow, vase-shaped to 15 feet tall and 10 feet wide.
Japanese Maple Seedling – The perfect Japanese maple for the novice, this tree is easy to grow, sun and heat tolerant, and has a beautiful layered habit. Brilliant orange, red and gold fall colors. These trees are seed-grown rather than grafted, and can grow rather quickly to 12-15 feet tall and wide. Many of the prettiest Japanese Maples in the famous Fort Worth Japanese Garden are Seedlings.
Seiryu – A rare upright growing, lace leaf Japanese maple maturing at 12–18 feet tall and wide. The yellow-green spring leaves are finely cut and small and become darker in summer. One of the best growers in hot climates, handling hot sun better than most other varieties. Fall colors are bright red sometimes with gold overtones. Likes consistent moisture and good drainage..
Shin deshojo – Small leaf on a semi-dwarf maple; branches very well; brilliant red in spring that lasts several weeks when it is cool; summer color is subtle mottled pink and green, usually with a second growth flush of brilliant red. Fall colors can be a brilliant red, but can also be a mix of yellows and reds; loves pruning and often used in bonsai. Nearly identical to Deshojo. Grows to 10 feet tall by 10 feet wide.
Suminagashi – An upright red leaf Japanese maple to 18 feet tall with a narrow habit. Beautiful shaped leaves are vibrant red in the spring and early summer. The many seeds are bright red all summer into fall. Brilliant red leaves in the fall. Easy to grow with consistent moisutre and well-draining soil.
Tama hime – A slow, very horizontal growing, dwarf Japanese maple maturing at 2 feet tall and 4 feet wide after many years. Yellow to red fall colors on a very small leaf. A great cultivar for Bonsai. Needs protection from hot afernoon sun.
Tamukeyama -Similar to the well-known weeping red-leaf Crimson Queen only the leaf is sturdier looking. A low and spreading habit, slightly faster and easier growing; handles sun well; does not prefer full shade and has vivid fall color. Grows to 8 feet tall and 12 feet wide in twenty years.
Yasemin– A large red leaf Japanese maple to15 feet tall and wide. Beautiful shaped narrow lobed leaves are red turning to a deep shiny purple-red. Brilliant red in the fall. Takes 1 or 2 hours sun. Likes consistent moisture but not too wet.