Jill Stone Garden Receives North Texas Food Bank Grant

Did you know that nearly 1 in 7 individuals in North Texas struggle with daily hunger?

That’s nearly 778,000 people – and about 40% of those are children! 

It’s a heartbreaking statistic that DCMGs Wendy Leanse, Gail Lawrence, Lori Droppo and the entire team from the Jill Stone Garden at Temple Emanu-El are working to improve.

The Jill Stone Garden, with the help of Wendy, Gail and Lori applied for an $18,000 Capacity Grant from the North Texas Food Bank.  Their application was approved, and the grant was recognized during a ceremony last Sunday, 9/08, at the garden.  Short speeches were given by Wendy, Gail, Lori, Rabbi Kim Herzog Cohen, a representative from the North Texas Food Bank, and a representative from the Vickery Meadows Food Pantry.

The $18,000 grant will allow the garden to purchase a high hoop tunnel and a 2nd greenhouse to expand their already impressive output for the Vickery Meadows Food pantry.  Congratulations!!

With this expansion comes a need for more volunteers.  If you are interested in supporting this amazing garden, please reach out to any of the following:

Wendy Leanse @ shoremrcle@aol.com,

Gail Lawrence @ gailelawrence@gmail.com, or

Lori Droppo @ ldropp@sbcglobal.net.

If you’re curious, but want to check it out first, come out to the Taste of the Garden at Temple Emanu-El on Sunday, Oct. 13, from 8:30-11:00.  A sign-up genius will be available within the next couple of weeks.