Closeup of ripe peaches on a tree branch

Jeff Raska at North Haven Gardens

North Haven Gardens (NHG) recognizes Texas A&M AgriLife Extension (AgriLife) as a source for great gardening advice tailored to Texas gardeners and Texas soils. To spread that knowledge, NHG has scheduled speakers associated with AgriLife to appear at their indoor classroom on the 3rd Saturday of each month this winter and throughout spring.

Master Gardener Program Coordinator Jeff Raska is part of that programming. On February 19, from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m., Jeff will speak at NHG on growing the best fruit in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. Success with fruit trees in North Texas includes knowing which varieties to plant to get the best harvests.

Now is the time to select fruit trees for spring planting so Jeff will detail everything you need to know in this FREE class. His talk will include what fruits and varieties grow best here, how pollination works, pest control recommendations, and the all-important pruning techniques. He will even decipher “chill hours” for you (and tell what that means).

The size of the class is limited and you have to register in advance. Masks are not required but they have them available for those who attend. Check out the calendar on NHG’s website for more information.

Should you not be able to attend, you can get more information on fruit and nut trees in the Garden Resource section of this website.

AgriLife has extensive information on fruit and nut production including the Homeowner’s Guide to Pests of Peaches, Plums and Pecans.