Dollas County Master Gardener Association provide research-based horticultural education and information to a diverse group of learners of all ages. We teach in demonstration gardens, community service gardens and school gardens. Check out some of our projects.

Water Conservation
Irrigation Check-up
Article by Water University (PDF)
Low Volume Irrigation
Website by Texas A&M Horticulture on design, installation and operation of drip and soaker irrigation
Rainfall Harvesting
Earth-Kind brochure on how to construct catchment systems (PDF)
Rainwater: Save It for a Sunny Day
DCMG brochure on getting started with rain barrels (PDF)
Rainwater Barrels
Instructions on how to make rain barrels, A Taking Care of Texas Guide (PDF)
Protecting Your Foundation in Dry Conditions
Water University article on how to water your foundation to prevent cracking, and plants that help
Save Dallas Water
Dallas Water Utilities website with videos on how to save water and money
Texas Water Resources Institute
Texas A&M Horticulture resources for water and natural resources. Has online copies of the Texas Water Journal.

Fruits and Nuts
Fruit and Nuts Resources
Fact Sheets from Texas A&M Horticulture website with information by type of tree
Fruit, Nut, and Berry Cultivars for North Central Texas
Short list of trees by variety with recommended rootstocks from Texas A&M Horticulture
Research report:
Growing Grapes in North Texas for Home Use

Ornamental and Native/Adapted Plants
Earth-Kind Roses
Water-Wise Beauty for Every Garden – DCMG brochure (PDF)
Earth-Kind® Landscape Roses – Growing Tips
Texas A&M Horticulture Earth-Kind® website
Guide to Landscape Success
Recommendations from website
Native & Adapted Plants in the Landscape
DCMG brochure on basics of Texas native plants (PDF)
Master Gardener’s Garden at Texas Discovery Garden Plants
List of plants that can be found growing in the garden
Texas Superstars
Excellent website on plants that have qualified for this designation by Texas AgriLife Extension. Pictures, descriptions, and factoids needed for your plant selection.
Tips for Successful Gardening in the Dallas Area
DCMG brochure on urban gardening (PDF)

Specialty Gardens
Butterfly Gardening
DCMG brochure on recommended plants (PDF)
Hummingbird Gardening
DCMG brochure on attracting hummingbirds (PDF)
Scented Gardens
DCMG brochure on fragrant and aromatic plants (PDF)
The Texas A&M University Department of Viticulture and Winegrape Network site which provides an educational resource on growing grapes and making wine
Sex in the Garden
DCMG brochure on plant pollinators (PDF)
Shade Gardening
Presentation includes plant recommendations.

Vegetables, Herbs, and Raised Beds
Fall Vegetable Planting Guide
Detailed vegetable information with planting dates and varietals. Downloadable brochure from Texas A&M Horticulture
Herbs in the Water-Wise Garden
DCMG brochure with recommended herbs (PDF)
Raised Bed Construction
Earth-Kind website on how to build and maintain a raised bed garden
Recommended Planting Dates for NTX
Spring and Fall planting dates for vegetables (PDF)
Salad Greens
DCMG Speakers Bureau presentation on growing your own salad (PDF)
Texas Home Vegetable Gardening Guide
Downloadable brochure from Texas A&M Horticulture on general guidelines for planting vegetables
Vegetables at Texas A&M Horticulture
Website with fact sheets, recommendations, and problem solver tips
Vegetable Gardening Guides and Easy Gardening Fact Sheets
Downloadable brochure from Texas A&M Horticulture by specific vegetable
Vegetable Varieties for North Texas
Recommended cultivars for North Central Texas by vegetable

Beneficial Insects, Pests, and Disease Management
Beneficial Insects
Downloadable brochure with pictures and descriptions of different insects
City Bugs
Information from Texas A&M Horticulture on insects in the city.
Organic Lifestyles
Information on maintaining lawns, flowers, pests and soil without the use of chemicals from Texas A&M Horticulture
Landscape Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Texas A&M Horticulture website on IPM
Fire Ant Control – The 2-Step Method
Texas A&M Horticulture website on how to safely control fire ants
Combatting Rose Rosette
Downloadable Oklahoma State Rose Rosette color pictorial poster
Texas A&M Insects
Texas A&M University Entomology Department website
Plant Pathology
Texas A&M University’s Plant Pathology Department website
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program information for Texas schools
Texas Plant Clinic
The Texas A&M Horticulture site for help with plant diseases

Texas A&M Forest Service
Website with events and other resources
Texas Tree Identification
Instructional tool on how to identify trees
Tree Planting Process
Tools of the trade from Texas A&M Forestry
Texas Tree Selector
Texas Replanting website with tree selector for your yard

African Violets
Article outlines steps for successfully growing African violets (PDF)

Turf and Lawn Management
Guide to Yard Care
Brochure from Take Care of Texas (PDF)
Managing Lawn Problems
In Texas – a brochure from Take Care of Texas (PDF)
Managing 10 Common Yard Pests
Brochure from Take Care of Texas (PDF)

Other Great Websites
Botanical Research Institute of Texas
An organization dedicated to maintaining state-wide herbarium, research, and education. Located in Ft. Worth and is open to field trips.
Dallas Arboretum
One of the top Arboretums in the world, right in our backyard!
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
Native plant selection website, by purpose and location
Texas Discovery Gardens
Education garden and butterfly pavilion at Fair Park
Native Plant Society of Texas
Website for NPSOT organization showing activities and resources
Hardiness Zone for East and West Texas
East Texas Hardiness Zone (DFW area)
West Texas Hardiness Zone
Texas SmartScape
Website for this North Texas organization with design tools and plant database
Junior Master Gardener
Website for Junior Master Gardener programs and curriculum
Dallas Garden Buzz
Blog published by the Master Gardeners at Raincatcher’s Garden of Midway Hills. Subscribe to receive periodic updates via email
Neil Sperry’s Gardens
Garden guidance from a local radio host and author. Sign up for his newsletter.
National Arboretum
United States National Arboretum in Washington, D.C. home site
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Dallas County
Official site for Dallas County education programs, including the Dallas County Master Gardener certification program and requirements.
Texas Master Gardener Association
Website for the state-wide Master Gardener organization and information on the state conferences