Dark pink roses against a blue sky

April Garden Tasks

Spring has Sprung! Finally!


  • Plant ground covers and warm season annuals and perennials as soil temperatures warm and the danger of frost has passed, such as cannas and gladiola corms. It’s best to wait until next month to plant hot weather annuals such as caladiums, elephant ears, periwinkles, and zinnias.
  • Plant warm season turf grasses (Bermuda, St. Augustine, and Zoysia) starting in mid-April. Plant Bermuda grass seed only when nighttime temperatures average 65 degrees.
  • Early April plant: tomatoes, snap beans, radishes, cucumbers, corn, lima beans, mustard, peppers, and squash. Late April plant: watermelon, southern peas, okra, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, eggplant, and pumpkin.


  • Prune spring blooming shrubs and vines after they finish flowering.
  • Allow foliage on spring bulbs to die back and dry before removing, so they can store food for next year
  • Shade trees may be pruned. However, do not prune live oaks and red oaks between Feb. 15 and June 30.

Plant Care

  • Check roses, ornamentals, and vegetables for powdery mildew, prevalent in mild, moist spring weather.
  • Fertilize azaleas according to soil test recommendations after they finish blooming.
  • Check new growth on ornamental plants weekly for aphids and scale insects and treat if necessary.
  • Apply first fertilizer treatment to established warm season turf grasses (first to mid-April). Use a fertilizer based on a soil test (which may cost as little as $10) and follow recommendations. “Weed & Feed” products are not recommended.
  • Mow established warm season turf grasses weekly or as needed.
  • Use broad-leafed weed control products to eliminate spring weeds such as dandelions, henbit, and chickweed. Some types can damage St. Augustine. Always read and follow label directions.
  • Begin harvesting cool season vegetables.
  • Water all your plants when they’re dry, but be particularly diligent with new plantings that can quickly dry out in our persistent spring winds. Use 3-4 inches of mulch on all flower, shrub, and vegetable beds.