March Garden Tasks
It’s still cold but garden tasks are heating up. Get those seeds going and potatoes in the ground. Download the Vegetable
It’s still cold but garden tasks are heating up. Get those seeds going and potatoes in the ground. Download the Vegetable
It’s still cold but garden tasks are heating up. Get those seeds going and potatoes in the ground. Download the Vegetable
Happy New Gardening Year! It’s a great time to decide what plants need to be replaced or moved and create a wallet list of plants to watch for as you peruse the nurseries this spring.
PLANT CARE is the only thing to focus on this month. Take a break from the garden and enjoy the holidays
Warning! Average Date of First Freeze in Dallas County: November 21st-30th Planting
In this gardener’s opinion, October is the most beautiful month of the year. Think about which plants in your yard would make a nice fall wreath or table decoration. Start scrounging the neighborhood on your morning walks.
And it’s STILL hot! Your plants want WATER! Planting: Divide and re-plant spring blooming perennials such as Iris
Get out of town! Head north to Colorado! Last chance before school starts!
It’s hot, and your plants know it! They are shutting down to protect their roots.
Cover your vegetables with netting! The squirrels will get them before you do.