It’s Time To Plant Fall Tomatoes!
It may be hot but, yes, it’s time to plant tomatoes. According to people in the know, fall tomatoes in Texas taste great.
It may be hot but, yes, it’s time to plant tomatoes. According to people in the know, fall tomatoes in Texas taste great.
May was a very wet month for gardening. Even though the 7.8 inches we received was not record-breaking
Aster yellows is a disease caused by a bacteria-like organism known as a phytoplasma. These organisms live in the vascular tissue of the plant and disrupt plant growth and development.
The use of artificial turf can be a contentious issue. Artificial turf is advertised as a water saving, “environmentally friendly” alternative to natural turf. This comparison is deceptive
Setting up a rain barrel is a great way to save water for those non-rainy days in Texas. You can buy a ready-made barrel or construct one yourself, but before getting started, keep a few things in mind:
While reading a plant tag, you may have overlooked or ignored those little words in Latin under the familiar name of your plant
While driving down the highways, you may have noticed thick stands of brightly blooming yellow flowers
Red Yucca (Hesperaloe parvifola) is a great native plant that blooms on stalks that can grow from 3 to 5 feet high or
When we talk about native plants, we usually refer to plants that have naturally evolved in a given area without interference from humans.
Many cold-hardy plants may look dead after the frigid temperatures of January, but they very well may not be.