Ways To Support Us
You have multiple opportunities to support the efforts of the Dallas County Master Gardener Association (DCMGA). DCMGA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your generous donations are used to support over twenty community and school gardens and multiple community outreach events throughout Dallas County. Here is how you can help:
Cash donations are tax-deductible contribution per the IRS. You can mail a check (clearly noted as “Donation”) to:
Dallas County Master Gardener Association
6820 LBJ Freeway #3200
Dallas, Texas 75240
You can also donate online from your PayPal account or by using a credit card via PayPal secure site. You will receive a receipt from PayPal for your tax records.
DCMGA holds a number of plant sales, pop-up tastings, and garden tours each year that are open to the public. 100% of proceeds from the events go directly to funding our projects and programs. Check the event calender on this site and subscribe to our newsletter for more information.


The Kroger RewardsNOW program will donate a percentage of your purchases to the DCMGA.
The DCMGA’s Non-Profit Organization number is YS521.
Sign up for a Kroger Plus Card in order to earn reward points. Click on the link below: https://www.kroger.com/account/enrollCommunityRewardsNow
For additional information, visit: Kroger Community Rewards

DCMGA is now enrolled with Tom Thumb in their charitable giving program. To join Tom Thumb’s program, simply complete a Charity Addition/Deletion form found at your store’s Courtesy Booth or online at Good Neighbor Program. The completed form must be turned in at your Tom Thumb’s Courtesy Booth. Tom Thumb will update your Rewards Card to show DCMGA as a charity of your choice and will then donate 1% of your total grocery purchases to the Association. You must use your Reward Card during the transaction for the purchase to count toward the program.
Our Charity number is 13860.
For additional information, visit: Tom Thumb Good Neighbor

Support the Texas Master Gardener Association by displaying specialty license plates on your vehicle. The license plate is available for $30.00 annually in addition to your vehicle registration fee. Personalization is an additional $40. Of the $30.00 plate fee, $22.00 will be returned to the Texas Master Gardener Program for program development.
Click here to order from the TxDMV online, by fax or by mail.

North Texas Giving Day happens in September of every year. Check out our page on NTX Giving Day