Nita Rausch Awarded Texas Master Gardener Emerita Status

Nita Rausch was awarded the status of “Texas Master Gardener Emerita,” an honorary title awarded to a retired volunteer who has served the Extension Master Gardener Program with distinction. Nominees for emerita status should be retired Texas Master Gardeners who were in good standing upon retirement, preferably with five or more years of service. After a distinguished career as a librarian, Nita Rausch completed Master Gardener school in Dallas County in 2007 and eagerly jumped into many key roles among the volunteer opportunities the Master Gardener program offers.

Among her many significant contributions to the program, Nita served as head of the Speakers Bureau, training many of our speakers and reaching out to the community to book presentations throughout Dallas County and beyond. She also served as head of the Hospitality Committee and was a coordinator for Master Gardener school for several years.  She received the President’s Volunteer Service award after completing 4,000 hours and had provided 8,204.5 hours of service upon her retirement.

It is because of her exemplary service in so many roles that she has been granted Emerita status and will be listed on the Emeritus List on the Texas Master Gardener website. She received a beautiful framed certificate and a special Texas Master Gardener Emerita badge. Kudos, Nita, for receiving this well-deserved award.

Nita is listed on the Emeritus List on the Texas Master Gardener website, and you can view her award by clicking here.